We remember 911

A message for the world "You don't weep alone" 911 Original song

You don't weep alone an inspirational song to capture your heart and heal your soul

This is a song that was written within one week following the tragic event 911. I wrote it just as I felt it was downloaded to me from the heavenlies. My desire was to get it into the hands of every victim who lost a loved one. The dream still lives. You can listen to this song and enjoy. You also have an opportunity to purchase a copy or a few copies and/or give a donation to fulfill this dream.

Click here to visit the page if you'd like to purchase or make a donation. Please feel free to leave your comments and when you do receive a copy tell us where you are. When you send to a loved one post where they are.

Thank you.

Robin G. Tramble

Friday, September 11, 2009

Where were you on September 11, 2001?

I shall never forget this day.

My heart ached and tears flowed continually down my face.
Many questions entered my mind.

What a day of pain and maybe some confusion and yes anger by many.
Where was God? This was a question communicated by many I'm sure.
Does He care? Why? Why? Why?

I received a download of the song "You don't weep alone" on that day.
I began writing and playing, singing and playing and playing as the tears

Just 3 months ago my husband shared that a gentlemen wept unendlessly
while listening to my song and I knew then that I must not stop
people still need to hear this song.

I will list the lyrics for your reading.

You can listen here : http://budurl.com/youdontweepalone911

If there is anyone who experienced the passing of a loved one and would
desire to have a copy please let me know. My dream is to get it into
the hands of many.

You don't weep alone
"A message for the world from the heart of Father God"
(c) 2001 Robin Tramble for Trambleco Publishing

Since the beginning of time
I only wanted your fellowship
I even gave man the will, the right to choose
Although I desired that... they'd follow my plan
I'm not a man that I should lie so I yielded to
Yielded to the will of man....

So many, loved one's friends family are gone on now
and to tell the truth in our hearts there remains
the question how
Could this be and is God up there and does
God really care?

You don't weep alone
I weep with you and for the choice of men
giving in to their evil ways
It was not my choice it was not my plan but the choice of man
outside my hand

Don't you be deceived
I'm the one you need
you need to know
I am still God

Go and enjoy the song here

Please post your comments


  1. Robin - this song is beautiful and touched my heart so much I had to listen to it a couple of times. What a wonderful ode to those lost but never forgotten!

    Dawn The Self Esteem Queen

  2. Thank you Dawn. I'm glad it touched your heart.

